Did you know? Will Deer Eat It?

One of the most frequently asked questions in the greenhouse is, “Will the deer eat it? 

Many methods can be used in an attempt to keep deer away from your plants, but many of these solutions are ineffective, expensive, or distasteful enough to deter the gardener as much as the deer!

If it has become impossible to keep deer away from your plants, what you can do is to plant annuals, perennials, trees, and shrubs that deer are not likely to eat.

Some of the plants we have in the greenhouse that deer are unlikely to eat are lavender, vinca, dusty miller, coneflower, verbena, Shasta daisies, butterfly bushes, marigolds, geraniums, sunflowers, zinnias, Rose of Sharon, yarrow, Bee Balm, and many other mints. In addition, many of these same plants are also great pollinator plants!

Check out the link above for a great guide by “The Spruce” on tips to keep the deer at bay!